Bucket List – Road Trip through the American south-central states in an American Muscle Car.
Well now, who knew that touring the American South-central states in an American muscle car could be so fun? I was thinking I could take that off my bucket-list but I don’t actually remember putting it on my bucket-list. In any event, it was a great adventure.
Driving 3400 miles in six days was exciting, yet I don’t recall it being quite that hard 10 years ago. Driving solo through strange country-sides without the benefit of a navigator, GPS, SIRI or sextant proved to be a bit more challenging than I envisioned. I was determined to do it satellite-free! After-all, it’s only down to Texas and back – right?
To be amusingly honest, the trip was only supposed to be 2900 miles, but even giving a bit of leeway for sight-seeing – those extra miles were a result of being lost. Yes …. L O S T. That four-letter word that males born when Eisenhower was President dare not utter. I think it amusing now, but I blessed the ancestry of many road designers in New Mexico and Texas as I wandered around looking for a way back to my intended route.
Being foolishly honest …. I intended to make it a two-day drive. It actually took three days each way, although there was extra time on the third or last day of each segment. Perhaps I was a bit ambitious but not unrealistic by any means. After all, my son and his family makes the drive in 24 hours. Unless one thinks of reality as amusing, it is simply …. well … reality.
The first day showed me getting off to a later start than I had intended. If that wasn’t bad enough, I had to stop at the store to pick up those last minute items (and a doughnut). Still, 9 o’clock isn’t all that bad.
After serendipity intervened with a three hour, yet truly marvelous, stopover in Price – I was on my way again. Being later than intended, I did not stop in Arches National Park or Canyonlands. Darn it. I kept on the move.
Moab was beautiful, as always, but I had to grumble about the $2.45 per gallon for petrol. On the road again with a full tank of gas and a good old-fashioned hot dog hastily devoured. I wasn’t even out of the state yet.
Traveling Hwy 191 is always a treat for the eyes. Late in the day, there is a special hue that seems to soften the landscape even more. I turned toward Cortez, Colorado and began to worry about the impending darkness. There were bound to be deer crossing this two-lane road and the occasional skid-mark added proof that I was correct.
It was now pitch-dark and cooling down outside rapidly. I pressed onward until I thought one little old bad thought, I do not know the road I need to take to head to New Mexico. Drats.
Pressing onward until Cortez, I tucked my pride in and went into a convenience store to find a map. All of the maps I had brought ended at the Utah-Colorado border – the rest I had forgotten. I had also forgotten the Google Maps printout of directions – Bad Pete.
I began a new game of amusement – watching the clerks expression when I ask for a map. It varies upon location. I am not in as small of a minority in Cortez evidently, as I was immediately directed towards ‘the maps’. Good selection, little did I realize I was being spoiled with such a selection, as I was to have slim pickings the closer I got to population centers.
Having had all the adventure I could stand for one day, Durango was as far as this adventuresome lad was going to make it. Stopping at the first I found, I kicked myself for not making reservations in advance and finding a cheaper place. Live and learn, a hot shower fixes many speed-bumps.
Not that I speed 🙂